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Pick Up and Drop Off

Pickup & Drop Off of Students at Fillmore Elementary School

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so excited to welcome you back for another year at Fillmore and can’t wait to get the school year started! In helping to prepare for the new school year, we wanted to inform you about some changes that will be happening with pickup and drop off procedures. We have designed these pick up and drop off procedures with student safety being a top priority.We will continue the same pick up and drop off procedures. The reason we are making these changes is to keep our students safe. The changes will positively impact our procedures to ensure that all students are safe at all times. We know that the first week of school is a time to practice and fine tune all procedures, meaning it might take a little longer than normal to get through the pick up line. We also know that once the pick up procedure is in place and all drivers participate correctly, the entire procedure lasts between 7-10 minutes. So, the more parents and guardians that participate in the dismissal procedures appropriately and efficiently, the safer our students are and the swifter this process goes.

Morning Drop-off Procedures:

Please enter the turnaround from Ridgeview FROM THE WEST (from Division Street). Use the right lane only and pull up as far as possible to allow the cars behind you to enter. Allow your student(s) time to exit safely onto the sidewalk and then when able, pull off into the left lane and proceed to exit the turnaround. We ask that you turn right out of the ‘U’. Please do not exit your vehicle and leave it in the drop-off lanes.

Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures:

Please enter the turnaround from Ridgeview FROM THE WEST (from Division Street). Use the right lane only and pull up as far as possible to allow the cars behind you to enter. Please stay in your vehicle and wait for your student(s) to be dismissed by the staff member on duty. After your student(s) are safely in your vehicle, pull off into the left lane and proceed to exit the turnaround. We ask that you turn right out of the ‘U’. Please do not exit your vehicle and leave it in the pick-up lanes. We are asking that ALL parents utilize the ‘U’ and do not park in the parking lot or get out of your cars to get your students. *Kindergarten students will also be participating in the ‘U’ procedures and will no longer be dismissed from their back doors. Again, to make this as quick and safe as possible, teachers will not be available to talk with parents during pick-up times, please feel free to call and/or make an appointment to meet with them.
**Important Note** During School hours, Pacific Street is only available for Buses. You are not allowed to drop off or pick up your student or park on Pacific Street. Parents are also not allowed to park in the church parking lot as it is private property. In addition, there is no safe passage (crosswalk or sidewalks) from Fillmore to the church parking lot.

For students who ride the bus home…

If your child is a bus rider and they are not riding the bus on a particular day, parents must communicate that information by email, a note in your child’s planner, or by calling our office. Simply telling your child and not notifying the front office will not be accepted. If we do not receive this notification by 1:30pm on the day of the transportation change, your child will ride as usual. Calls regarding transportation received after 1:30pm will not be accepted. If you are unable to notify the office by 1:30pm and are picking your child up, you must go to the front office at dismissal time to receive a Visitor’s Pass and further instructions.

Lastly, please make sure we have current phone numbers for you in our files. This is always helpful.